Traveling during these times you’ll be often required to take a The test to prove you are not spreading That Virus.
But how to get a PCR test in Serbia? Read here!
*Post updated 13.10.2021:
This post was originally for people leaving from Serbia to travel and needing to take a PCR test. But not to confuse those landing to Serbia, I added some information about entering to Serbia at the moment.
Please note that every country has its own requirements and policies for the prevention of Covid-19, depending on your citizenship and the country you’re arriving from.
This post covers only the current regulations for entering Montenegro and Serbia.
If you are traveling from/to Serbia and wondering how to get a PCR test here, you might find this information useful.
In some countries, you might be able to have a test at the airport while in others you are required to bring a document proving that you’ve taken the PCR test before arriving and have a negative test result.
Montenegro is amongst the latter ones, therefore meaning that you’ll need to prove a negative result of the test taken no more than 72 hours prior to arrival.
Update 21.04.2021:
At the moment test has to be taken no earlier than 48 hours prior to your arrival in the country, both in Montenegro and Serbia.
Border control will check a printed document at the crossing, no matter your way of traveling: a private car, train, bus or plane.
We, currently living in Serbia, needed to take that test to be able to travel to Montenegro in October.
We took a train to Sutomore and returned by plane from Tivat to Belgrade.
Currently, Montenegro accepts also antibody tests or 2 x vaccination to enter. If you have either of those you will not need to get a PCR test.
This is How to Get a PCR Test in Serbia Done Easy Way
You will not be asked for the reason to take the PCR test.
Out of curiosity, planning to travel, whatever.
Just book your appointment, pay, and go.
I’ll tell you one option how to do it.
– The smoothest one in my opinion.
Leaving to travel from Serbia
1. Visit the website of eUprava
2. Choose your location for testing.
In Belgrade you can take the test for example at Torlak (Vojvode Stepe 458) or at the Belgrade City Institute for Public Health (Bulevar Despota Stefana 54a).
We chose the one at Despota Stefana as we are living only two minutes walk away. There the nurses are taking the tests outside in front of the health institute. Look for the white shipping container next to the kiosk.
If you’re not too familiar with Serbian cyrillics and have trouble finding your test center in website for testing in BGD, try this:
Start typing ”Beo..” and you’ll get that one in Despota Stefana (Грaдски зaвoд зa jaвнo здрaвљe Бeoгрaд).
Type ”Tor..” to find Torlak (Институт за вирусологију, вакцине и серуме “Торлак”).
Of course you’ll also find there all the other Serbian cities to choose from, but these are the most popular places to get a PCR test in Belgrade.
3. Choose the time of those available and the number of persons to be tested.

4. Select your citizenship and fill out your ID number and contact information.
5. Check your email for confirmation and find a payment slip attached.
Print that out and go to pay it to the bank or a post office.
Save the receipt to bring it to the health center.
If you have a citizenship of Serbia, or are a foreign citizen residing in Serbia, you’ll need to pay 6000 rsd (around 51 €). Foreign citizens without residency (tourists) will pay 14 110 rsd (119 €).
*Update 1.1.2021: In 2021 the prices are 9000 rsd for Serbians and foreign resident, 18 000 rsd for non-residents as tourists. *Update 19.04.2021: From now on the price for the PCR test in Serbia is 9000 rsd (77 €) for everyone, not dependant of your status (citizens, foreign residents and visitors).
6. At the scheduled time go to your chosen location with your receipt of the payment and your ID.
Fill up one more document (with basic contact info, ID number and so).
Then let them stick that stick in your nose and throat.
It’s quick and doesn’t hurt.
It’s really not that bad.
7. Wait for your results.
You should get a SMS (if you have Serbian phone number) or email in 24 hours.
My hubby got his results in 6 hours, but I waited for the loooong hours getting already a bit anxious.
But then, 27 hours after testing, 2 hours before our train leaving, I finally got my negative.
– So don’t leave it to the last minute as it might take more than promised 24 hours.
In a Rush and No Time to Book?
Another option is that you will simply go to Torlak in the morning to queue.
But you’ll need to pay in advance anyway.
When booking online you’ll get your already filled out payment slip automatically and will also ensure that you don’t have to queue.
That’s why I’d definitely choose an online appointment – As we did.
Testing at the Airport
Update 13.10.21:
Currently there is a testing center at the Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport which could be the best option for you, if you are traveling by air. Rumours say that you will need only 1-2 extra hours to take a test before your flight and you don’t need an appointment for that.
I say rumours as I have not checked this option personally and therefore cannot confirm you how does it work.
But I know many people who have been doing this, so at least there is a possibility to take a test at the airport just before your flight.
Self-assessment When Arriving in Serbia
After you’ll return to Serbia you’ll have to do self-monitoring.
Update 13.10.21:
You might or might not need to do this. Rules keep changing. At the moment border control is not asking anything about it, but will ask about PCR test results or vaccination certificate.
1. On the day you return to Serbia again go to the web.
This time to the eHealth site of the Ministry of Health.
2. Choose ”Foreigners surveillance registration” and fill your contact details and your Serbian ID number (if you have residency in Serbia) or passport number (visitors).

3. Answer the simple questionnaire.
As are you pregnant, do you have fever, have you contacted a risky person in the last 14 days?
4. Check your email for your results.
If you are “clear” then just continue your self-assessment.
They will call you to take a test if you seem to be at risk.
5. After 10 days repeat the steps 1-4.
After the ten days of self-monitoring you’ll need to fill the same form again.
If you are not considered being in a risk, that’s it.
We replied having met a person who might be ”risky”, but got our “clearance” anyway.
We were healthy thought and also avoided going to public places during the period of self-assessment, as well as before, during our trip and this strange year.
This is how we travel now – Goodbye to the last minute bookings, but at least there is a way to do a little bit of traveling!
Traveling with the Digital Green Certificate
Update 13.10.21
Traveling from Serbia
After you have got two doses of Covid-19 vaccination you can apply for the Digital Green Certificate from the E-Uprava website or by going to a post office with your passport. The certificate is free of charge.
Then, it depends of the each country whether they will or will not approve Certificate given in Serbia. You will have to check each country from their official pages. You still might need to take a test before leaving Serbia.
Traveling to Serbia
Currently you will not need a test to enter to Serbia if you have been vaccinated with two doses in Serbia. Yes, in Serbia, and are a holder of the Digital Green Certificate issued by Serbian authorities.
This might change soon, so check before you’ll travel whether your vaccination certificate from some other country will count or not. Currently it is only Serbian certificate with what you can enter without a PCR test.
NOTE: Rules keep changing and I might not be able to follow all the turns and neither am responsible of any of the changes in regulations.
Please check the latest information from the official websites of each country.
Most of the posts are currently in my native Finnish, but there will be more coming in English.
Read here the posts I’ve written so far in English about Serbia.
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Thank you so much . Wish I saw this earlier . My husband is unfortunately there for a funeral . He wants to return back quickly , do you know of any places that will do a rapid test with results that you can travel with earlier , for example getting results in a few hours , same day ? Kind regards and stay well.
Sorry to hear, my deepest condolences for your family, Maria.
Unfortunately there is only the public healthcare testing and they do not provide rapid testing. But, in many cases the PCR test results come quite fast. If your husband could take the test in the morning, he could have results on the same day.
My fiancé got his results in six hours but mine arrived the next day. If your husband speaks Serbian he could call and ask if there would be any possibility to speed up the process. Wish you luck!
Thank you so much , your web site and blog is the most detailed with information and how to. Stay well 🙂
Thank you so much! Stay well you too!
Hey Jan!
I am currently in Serbia in Belgrade, thank you for all these infos.
I will take the test with my girlfriend because we need it to go back to our respected countries.
I took an appointement at the Belgrade City Institute for Public Health (Bulevar Despota Stefana 54a) for me and one at Torlak (Vojvode Stepe 458) for my girlfriend. The timing is way better over there, even for me, so I decided to switch for Torlak (Vojvode Stepe 458) for me as well, BUT :
– I CAN’T cancel my first appointement because I can’t find any button to do so
– I called every number to try this out, but they just don’t respond when I call the hospitals, or don’t speak english at all when I call the number indicated on the government’s page.
Do you have any tip about that situation ?
Thanks a lot again for your guide !
Hi Anthony!
Thank you, glad you found this helpful!
I think they are quite hard to reach by phone and especially if you don’t have a Serbian number they won’t answer.
Anyway, they usually reply to emails quite fast. You can try at
Hi Tanja,
Thanks so much for your very helpful blog! I am just wanting to check that this is still the way to get a PCR test in Belgrade as I write this (in March)?
I have tried to email them on the above email address but it seems the email is incorrect, is there another way to contact them please do you know?
Many thanks,
Hi Peter, happy to hear you found this helpful. Yes, all the information is still valid. I double-checked the email address and it looks like it needs to have .rs after .org (not only .org as I earlier wrote).
So like this:
But you don’t need to email them, you just book online (via the link on the post).
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Hello, hope you can help me out as I see you have experienced this process. Many countries that require a negative test to enter will need the proof/results of that test in English. There are not many countries that will except a Covid test in Serbian because neither the airline nor the local officials will be able to understand. My question is than also are the results also in English or only written in Serbian?
Thank you for your help.
Hi Jan! Yes, the test results are given in both English and Serbian, so they are valid for traveling purposes.
You will get the pdf document to your email and then you can print it out in any copy shops. It’s important to have it printed as in many countries the don’t accept digital version with QR code only. Also take at least two copies just in case as in some borders they might collect your paper.
Great, thank you so much for the information.
You are welcome, glad if I could be help! Have a safe journey!
Okay I just booked an appointment for Friday night on the 1st, but all I got was a QR code in my email. I am assuming that is what I go to the bank/post office with? I also land on the 31st mid day and leave on the 3rd (Sunday). Hopefully the banks and post office will be open either on the 31st or the 1st to go pay. Do I have to go and pay it myself or can I have someone pay it on my behalf? Thank you very much for the info!
You should get two emails, one with QR code and another with bill. I think it doesn’t matter who will make the payment.
But wait, you will be here only for few days? Then you will not need to take test here, but you’ll need the negative test results taken in your country. That is what you need to show at the airport (or land crossing). Unless of course, if your next destination is asking for that.
I hope this helps you!
Hi! This was so very helpful! Thank you!! My American boyfriend and myself (im Greek) are planning to meet there as its the only country that we are able to both visit. I am going on the website (Despota) but I do not see the ability to book for 2 weeks from now. I am hoping because it is too far in advance. I also saw pictures of the huge lines but I am assuming if we have an appointment booked it should not matter? I also pay through that website correct?
Thanks again this post was a life saver!!!
Hi Debbie! Great to here this was helpful information for you! Yes, it is possible that it doesn’t give appointments for so far. Please note that rules are changing from tomorrow (December 20th) which means you also need to take the test 48 hours prior to your arrival. You will need to show the negative test results when you cross the border to Serbia.
For the test taken here unfortunately you can not pay online, but when you book you will get bill to your email. Then you’ll need to print it out and go to pay that in any bank or post office. They are everywhere in Belgrade! When you go to your appointment bring note of the payment with you.
It is awesome that you have possibility to meet here, this has been a tough year for relationships.
Welcome to Belgrade!
Thanks for the article! Helped me a lot. Now it’s 18.000 btw for foreigners
Great to hear this was helpful info and thank you for the price update, I’ll need to edit that on the post!
Hi!!!! Are the PCR results in english?
Hi Tara, yes they are, both in English and Serbian to use for travel purposes.